Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS 6000 Ion chromatograph
Ion chromatograph is widely used for the determination of cations, anions, amino acids etc in parts per billion (ppb) levels. Coupling option with ICPMS for Inorganic speciation studies.
· Chemically inert, metal-free PEEK pump heads and flow path, compatible with aqueous eluents from pH 0-14 and reverse phase solvents.
· Quaternary Isocratic / Gradient
Pressure Range:
· Analytical: 0-35 MPa (0-5000 psi)
· Capillary: 0-41 MPa (0-6000 psi)
Flow Rate:
· Analytical: 0.000 – 10 mL/min with settable flow increments at 0.001 mL/min without changing pump heads
Flow Rate Precision & Accuracy:
· <0.1%
· Chromeleon
DC Module:
· Up to 6 different temperatures (10-40ºC) can be maintained simultaneously in the separation (Std & microbore columns), detection (Conductivity & EC detectors), and automation (Capillary columns, consumables, and valves) sections providing maximum application flexibility.
Sample Required:
· 500 mg – 1 g (Solid) & 10 ml (Liquid)
Only aqueous solutions can be analysed