Organizational Structure
The day-to-day functioning of the SAIF is overseen by the Head, SAIF, who is a faculty member of the Institute. The Facilities Management Committee (FMC) oversees and guides the activities of the SAIF. The FMC at SAIF Madras consists of the representatives of DST and experts to be nominated by the Institute in consultation with DST. The FMC also examines the deployment of staff and equipment from time to time with a view to enhance productivity and efficiency, and to avoid duplication. It scrutinizes the annual budget before it is submitted to DST. It approves and forwards progress report of SAIF to DST. It also approves induction of equipment from other sources that are to be operated under the control of SAIF.
Once in a year, a National Steering Committee meets to allocate budgets to the SAIF's and also to discuss the ways and means of improving the services to research and industry. Once in five years, a Review Committee appointed by the DST examines the achievements of each SAIF, and also interviews the user community to assess the effectiveness of these Facilities. It is gratifying that SAIF, IIT Madras, Chennai has always been adjudged as one of the best run SAIFs and often looked upon as a pacesetter.
DST Apart from these SAIF's, It's also established some SIF's (Sophisticated Instruments Facility) centred on research groups with expertise in one or two specialized areas. The SIF's are established at the following Institutions: