s <
The samples should be submitted in the prescribed format indicating the information called for as well as your special requirement, if any.If you are sending them by mail, please enclose the payment along with the samples and address the same to:
The Head , Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036.
Only on recipt of the payment along with the samples, they will be registered for analysis and taken up for measurement as per the seniority/queue of the users of the instrument concerned.As soon as the analysis is over, the spectra along with the receipt / bill will be sent to the users.While submitting samples for more than one analysis separate samples are to be sent for each.
An Important notice
As per the guidelines of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), in all publications of research work,  where in the  analytical services of the SAIF have been made use of,  the DST and the SAIF, IIT Madras shall be duly acknowledged.  Kindly send us the publication reference (Journal name/volume number/names of the authors/date of issue of the publication etc) to us.

A list of charges for spectral measurements, as stipulated by the Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, is annexed. A "Three Tier" Charge System is being followed. Please note that :

  • The charges mentioned are for analysis of samples received from users within India only.
  • For overseas users, please contact SAIF by Email directly.
  • Charges are subject to change periodically
Mode of Payment
Please note the current policy on payment of analysis charges: Our current policy requires analysis that payment be received before the samples can be registered and analysis taken up. Please make sure that the payment is received along with the samples. Payments are to be made by either online facilty or Card swiping facility also available.
Please note that in the event the amount/payment received is more than the actual analyses charges incurred, it will NOT be possible to refund the excess amount paid. However, the excess amount may be adjusted against future analyses by the same user or another user from the same organization following a written request by Email or hard copy.The excess amount adjustment should be utilized before 31st March, the financial year ends.
List of charges with effect from April - 2023.
Please note that the testing charges now include a GST component of 18%.
Also 10% discount for north east states.
NEW Charge List
Industries Large Scale Medium & SSI
R&D and National Labs
Academic and Educational Institutions
SC / ST & North East states Candidates avail 10% discount
1. FT-NMR spectrometer
(Solution State)
Extra charges for deuterated solvents

1 H, 19 F, 31 P, 27 Al, 11 B & DEPT


. 3850/-per Measurement
. 2310/-per Measurement
. 770/- per Measurement
. 700/- per Measurement



. 5500/-per Measurement
. 3300/-per Measurement
. 1100/- per Measurement
. 990/- per Measurement

77Se, 125Te, 95Mo, 29Si


. 5500/- per Measurement
. 3300/-per Measurement
. 1100/- per Measurement
. 990/- per Measurement


. 3850/-per Measurement
. 2310/-per Measurement
. 770/- per Measurement
. 700/- per Measurement


. 5500/-per Measurement
. 3300/-per Measurement
. 1100/- per Measurement
. 990/- per Measurement


. 5500/- per Measurement
. 3300/-per Measurement
. 1100/- per Measurement
. 990/- per Measurement



. 6600/-per Measurement
. 3960/-per Measurement
. 1320/- per Measurement
. 1190/- per Measurement
. 12650/- per Measurement
. 7590/-per Measurement
.2530/-per Measurement
.2280/-per Measurement
Solvent Charges:- CDCl3
. 550/-per Measurement
. 330/-per Measurement
. 110/-per Measurement
. 100/-per Measurement
Solvent Charges:- METHANOl - D4
. 3850/-per Measurement
. 2310/-per Measurement
. 770/-per Measurement
. 700/-per Measurement
Solvent Charges:- DMSO, BENZENE, D2O, ACETONE etc.
. 1100/-per Measurement
. 660/-per Measurement
. 220/-per Measurement
. 200/-per Measurement

FT-NMR spectrometer

(Solid State)


. 11000/-per Measurement per hour
. 5500/- for additional hour
. 6600/-per Measurement
per hour
. 3300/- for additional hour
. 2200/-per Measurement per hour
. 1100/- for additional hour
. 1980/-per Measurement per hour
. 990/- for additional hour
ESR Spectrometer
ESR Microwave Frequency
Measurement Temperature
Nature of Sample
Not Feasible
Measuremnet Charges
ESR Microwave Frequency
X Band

Room Temperature


. 2750/-per Measurement
. 1650/-per Measurement
. 550/- per Measurement
. 500/- per Measurement
Crystal/Pellet/Thin Film

Liquid Nitrogen Temperature(77.3K)


. 4130/-per Measurement
. 2480/-per Measurement
. 830/- per Measurement
. 750/- per Measurement
Crystal/Pellet/Thin Film

Variable Temperature


. 4130/-per Measurement
. 2480/-per Measurement
. 830/- per Measurement
. 750/- per Measurement
Crystal/Pellet/Thin Film
ESR Microwave Frequency

Room Temperature


Rate not fixed

Liquid Nitrogen Temperature



Variable Temperature


Crystal/Pellet/Thin Film
. 11000/-per Measurement
. 6600/-per Measurement
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
ESR Microwave Frequency
Q Band

Room Temperature


. 13750/-per Measurement
. 8250/-per Measurement
. 2750/- per Measurement
. 2480/- per Measurement
Crystal/Pellet/Thin Film

Liquid Nitrogen Temperature(77.3K)


Crystal/Pellet/Thin Film

Variable Temperature


. 16500/-per Measurement
. 9900/-per Measurement
. 3300/- per Measurement
. 2970/- per Measurement
Crystal/Pellet/Thin Film
4. ICP-OES Analysis cost for first element. 2630/- and every addtional elements . 520/- Analysis cost for first element. 1200/- and every addtional elements . 250/- Analysis cost for first element . 410/- and every additional element .90/- Analysis cost for first element. 380/- and every additional element .80/-
(Please click the link before submitting the samples for specialized measurements)
Single experiment
. 2480/- per Measurement
. 1490/- per Measurement
. 500/- per Measurement
. 460/- per Measurement
*Quenching studies
. 11000/- per Measurement
. 6600/- per Measurement
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
. 11000/- per Measurement
. 6600/- per Measurement
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
6. UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer
UV-VIS only
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1320/- per Measurement
. 440/- per Measurement
. 400/- per Measurement
. 2750/- per Measurement
. 1650/- per Measurement
. 550/- per Measurement
. 500/- per Measurement
7. Fluorescence spectrometer
(Please click the link before submitting the samples for specialized measurements)
Excitation/emission Spectrum
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1320/- per Measurement
. 440/- per Measurement
. 400/- per Measurement
Synchronous Scanning
. 4400/- per Measurement
. 2640/- per Measurement
. 880/- per Measurement
. 792/- per Measurement
Excitation-Emission Matrix
. 5500/- per Measurement
. 3300/- per Measurement
. 1100/- per Measurement
. 990/- per Measurement
*Quantum yield measurement(for liquid sample only)
. 11000/- per Measurement
. 6600/- per Measurement
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
*Quenching studies
. 11000/- per Measurement
. 6600/- per Measurement
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
*Solvatochormism studies
. 11000/- per Measurement
. 6600/- per Measurement
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
*FRET study
. 8250/- per Measurement
. 4950/- per Measurement
. 1650/- per Measurement
. 1490/- per Measurement

FT-RAMAN spectrometer


. 2140/-per Measurement
[Included Preparation charges]
. 960/-per Measurement
[Included Preparation charges]
. 400/- per Measurement
[Included Preparation charges]
. 370/- per Measurement
[Included Preparation charges]
9. FT-IR spectrometer
Per Spectrum per sample
MID-IR (400 Cm-1 - 4000 Cm-1)
. 2250/- per Measurement
. 1350/- per Measurement
. 450/- per Measurement
. 410/- per Measurement
FAR-IR (100 Cm-1 - 600 Cm-1)
. 2750/- per Measurement
. 2650/- per Measurement
. 550/- per Measurement
. 500/- per Measurement
MID & FAR (100 Cm-1 - 4000 Cm-1)
. 3250/- per Measurement
. 1950/- per Measurement
. 650/- per Measurement
. 590/- per Measurement
FULL RANGE (100 Cm-1 - 8000 Cm-1)
. 3500/-per Measurement
. 2100/- per Measurement
. 700/- per Measurement
. 630/- per Measurement
10. Single crystal X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)
For structure determination charges are extra. (Pl. contact the operator)
Cell Parameters
. 3030/- per Measurement
. 1780/- per Measurement
. 610/- per Measurement
. 550/- per Measurement
Cell Parameter and Crystal Structure Data Base Check
. 4130/- per Measurement
. 2480/- per Measurement
. 830/- per Measurement
. 750/- per Measurement
Data Collection
. 15570/- per Measurement
. 9290/- per Measurement
. 3120/- per Measurement
. 2810/- per Measurement
. 25300/- per Measurement
. 15210/- per Measurement
. 5040/- per Measurement
. 4550/- per Measurement
Data at low temperature
. 20130/- per Measurement
. 11520/- per Measurement
. 4030/- per Measurement
. 3560/- per Measurement
Data & structure at low tempurature
. 29700/- per Measurement
. 17410/- per Measurement
. 5970/- per Measurement
. 5370/- per Measurement
Structure solution only(SC-XRD DATA SHOULD BE PROVIDED)
. 9630/- per Measurement
. 5780/- per Measurement
. 1930/- per Measurement
. 1740/- per Measurement
11. FEI Quanta FEG 200-High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
SEM Image
. 6540/- per Measurement
. 2940/- per Measurement
. 990/- per Measurement
. 900/- per Measurement
SEM Image + EDAX
. 9750/- per Measurement
. 4360/- per Measurement
. 1460/- per Measurement
. 1310/- per Measurement
SEM Image + EDAX + Mapping
. 13200/- per Measurement
. 6600/- per Measurement
. 2200/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
SEM Image + EDAX + WDS(Not Working)
. 11750/-per Measurement
. 5310/- per Measurement
. 1760/- per Measurement
. 1590/- per Measurement


Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
RT (up to ± 1.5T)
. 6600/- per Measurement
. 3960/- per Measurement
. 1320/- per Measurement
. 1190/- per Measurement
RT (up to ± 2.5T)
. 9900/- per Measurement
. 5940/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
. 1790/- per Measurement
Low Temp
. 16500/- per Measurement
+ . 9900/- for every extra M-H measurement
(up to ± 1.5T) and .13200/- for every extra M-H measurements
. 9900/- per Measurement
+ . 5950/- for every extra M-H measurement
(up to ± 1.5T) and .7920/- for every extra M-H measurements

M-T at any fixed magnetic field (or) M-H at any one fixed Low temp @ . 3300/-per Measurement + . 1980/- for every extra M-H measurement(up to ± 1.5T) and .2620/- for every extra M-H measurements

M-T at any fixed magnetic field (or) M-H at any one fixed Low temp @ . 2970/-per Measurement + . 1790/- for every extra M-H measurement(up to ± 1.5T) and .2380/- for every extra M-H measurements

High Temp #
. 23100/- per Measurement
+ . 13200/- for every M-H measurement.
.13860/- per Measurement
+ . 7920/- for every M-H measurement.
M-T at any one fixed magnetic field (or) M-H at any one fixed High temp @ . 4620/- per Measurement + . 2640/- for every M-H measurement.
M-T at any one fixed magnetic field (or) M-H at any one fixed High temp @ . 4160/- per Measurement + . 2380/- for every M-H measurement.
13. DSC
(The charges specified to a standard heating rate 10°k/min)
per measurement
High Temp
RT to 400°C
Heating only . 3580/-
Heating and Cooling . 4950/-
Heating only Rs. 2150/-
Heating and Cooling . 2920/-
Heating only . 720/-
Heating and Cooling . 990/-
Heating only . 650/-
Heating and Cooling . 900/-
Low Temp
-70°C to +70°C
Heating only . 4400/-
Heating and Cooling .5500/-
Heating only . 2640/-
Heating and Cooling . 3000/-
Heating only . 880/-
Heating and Cooling . 1100/-
Heating only . 800/-
Heating and Cooling . 990/-
Cp (Specific heat capacity Measurement)
35°C to 400°C
. 9900/- per Measurement
. 5940/- per Measurement
. 1980/- per Measurement
. 1790/- per Measurement
14. TG – DSC
(The charges specified to a standard heating rate 10°k/min)
per measurement
RT to 1000°C
. 7150/- per Measurement
. 4290/- per Measurement
.1430/- per Measurement
.1290/- per Measurement
RT to 1400°C
. 8250/- per Measurement
. 4950/- per Measurement
.1650/- per Measurement
.1500/- per Measurement
. 5500/- per Sample
. 3300/- per Sample
. 1100/- per Sample
. 990/- per Sample
. 5500/- per Sample
. 3300/- per Sample
. 1100/- per Sample
. 990/- per Sample
Truspec Micro CHNS Module
. 8250/- per Sample
. 4950/- per Sample
. 1650/- per Sample
. 1490/- per Sample
628 Oxygen Module
. 8250/- per Sample
. 4950/- per Sample
. 1650/- per Sample
. 1490/- per Sample
16. GC-MS (Single Quad)
GC-MS (Electron Ionization)
. 4400/- per Measurement
. 2640/- per Measurement
. 880/- per Measurement
. 790/- per Measurement
GC-MS (Chemical Ionization)
. 6250/- per Measurement
. 3750/- per Measurement
. 1250/- per Measurement
. 1120/- per Measurement
GC-MS (Electron Ionization) with NIST Library search
. 5500/- per Measurement
. 3300/- per Measurement
. 1100/- per Measurement
. 990/- per Measurement
Positive and Negative ionization modes (per ionization modes)
MS (ESI mode)
. 4400/- per Sample
. 2640/- per Sample
. 880/- per Sample
. 790/- per Sample
MS (ESCi mode)
. 6600/- per Sample
. 3960/- per Sample
. 1320/- per Sample
. 1190/- per Sample
MS (ASAP mode)
. 8250/- per Sample
. 4950/- per Sample
. 1650/- per Sample
. 1490/- per Sample
. 6600/- per Sample
. 3960/- per Sample
. 1320/- per Sample
. 1190/- per Sample
. 8800/- per Sample
. 5280/- per Sample
. 1760/- per Sample
. 1590/- per Sample
. 8250/- per each Mass
. 4950/- per each Mass
. 1650/- per each Mass
. 1490/- per each Mass
. 6600/- per Sample
. 3960/- per Sample
. 1320/- per Sample
. 1190/- per Sample
. 11000/- per Sample
. 6600/- per Sample
. 2200/- per Sample
. 2000/- per Sample
. 10000/- per Sample
. 6000/- per Sample
. 2000/- per Sample
. 1800/- per Sample
. 12500/- per Sample
. 7500/- per Sample
. 2500/- per Sample
. 2250/- per Sample


# Maximum 60 points includes 5K interval @ Tc -50 to Tc +50 for High temperature M-T measurement.
* Cost includes the charges for capillary tube.
Data & Structure
* "These are the minimum charges. Additional charges may be levied depending on the nature and complexity of the problem. Please contact SAIF Office Dr. P. K. Sudhadevi in this connection. "
* Quantum Yield, quenching and solvatochromism and FRET studies can only be done in solution state. The user should check the solubility of sample in different solvents and same should be informed to the operator through the reg. form. For quenching studies the user should supply the quencher solutions with known concentration.

For FRET studies your sample should contain an electron rich (donor) species and electron deficient (acceptor) unit in such a way that emission from the donor and absorption from the acceptor overlap considerably.

For specialized measurements like FRET and quenching studies, please contact 044-2257-5926/5939 or mail to sdevi'at'iitm.ac.in before submitting the samples. The charge mentioned for FRET studies is for checking absorption and emission of donor and acceptor only. Extra charges may be levied depending on the analysis.

* User should first submit for steady state Fluorescence quenching studies before submitting for lifetime measurements or they have to provide information about steady state Fluorescence quenching analysis. For specialized measurements like FRET and quenching studies, please contact 044-2257-5926/5939 or mail to sdevi@iitm.ac.in or varam@iitm.ac.in before submitting the samples

Additional Charges may be levied for:
  • Samples requiring special processing prior to measurement (subject to availability)
  • Deuterated solvents and other costly chemicals
  • Whenever specialized measurements are performed – which are not specified above [eg. VT NMR, DEPT(NMR), VT XRD]
For heating rates slower than 10 K/ min, charges will be according to the number of hours taken for measurement. (for DSC)
The Head
Chennai 600 036.
Phone No.2257 4935, Fax: 2257 0509/2257 2545
E-mail: saif at iitm.ac.in
saif at iitm.ac.in

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