Email:saifhead at iitm.ac.in
Research Interests
The current aspects of interest are bio-fuels (especially algal bio-diesel) and drinking water. Our research group works with Reactive Species RS, that include Reactive oxygen, nitrogen, halogen, etc., Species), and use the understanding of them to improve the above two aspects.In addition, we are involved in process development aspects related to algal bio-diesel.
Earlier, we discovered that induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) can be used to improve productivities of bioreactor cultures. Many interesting, counter-intuitive biological phenomena have emerged from the extensions of that study. In addition, we developed a novel strategy of oxygen supply to aerobic bioreactors, which eliminates the gas-liquid transport resistance, one of the biggest challenges to oxygen supply, and employed it to improve productivities of viscous and shear-sensitive fermentations. Also, the cost is attractive Re. 0.15 per kg of equivalent oxygen), and hence, this strategy can potentially be employed to improve aerobicity of any bioreactor.Further, we developed novel biosorbents for toxic trace metal removal with high uptake capacities, and bioreactors for plant shoot culture; they resulted in patents.
Educational Background
PhD: Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA 1993
B. Tech: Chemical Eng. I.I.T. Madras, Chennai, INDIA 1986
-Outstanding contribution award, Drexel University, 1990.
- P. K. Patwardhan award for the best technology development effort, IIT Bombay, 1999.
- Lupin-UICT fellow, 2007-08
- Indo-American Frontiers of Engineering award, jointly with Professor Jeanne VanBriesen, Carnegie Mellon University, 2008
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