The JEOL GCMATE II GC-MS with Data system is a high resolution, double focusing instrument.


Maximum resolution: 6000

Maximum calibrated mass: 1500 Daltons.

Source options: Electron impact (EI); Chemical ionization (CI)


Types of analyses possible:

·       Normal positive ion mass spectra in EI / CI  mode

·       Negative ion mass spectra in EI / CI mode

·       High-resolution analysis

·       Daughter-ion analysis (B/E linked-scan)

·       Parent-ion analysis (B2/E linked-scan )

·       GC-MS analysis

·       NIST library Search

·       Quantitative analysis by SIM mode.


Applications :

·       Structural elucidation of organic compounds.

·       Mechanistic study of fragmentation process under mass spectrometric condition.

·       Molar mass and structural analysis of small biomolecules.