The UV-VIS spectrum is due to the electronic transitions of the molecule. This is characteristic of a compound. Qualitative and quantitative estimations of compounds are possible by this non destructive technique.

Qualitative and quantitative studies of materials and study of molecular structure, reaction kinetics, defect solid state, color centres,etc.
Sample required
50 mg. Solvent must be specified for solution studies.




The Absorbance (A) of a solution at a particular wavelength is given by Beer-Lambert's law ect = A where c is the concentration of the compound , t is the thickness of the cell and e is the molar extinction coefficient characteristic of the compound at a given wavelength. This principle is used for quantitative measurements.
The spectrometer is well suited for samples in the dissolved (solution) form. The spectral range with appropriate solvent is 200-2500 nm and also it can be used to study single crystals and powder samples. This is a double beam instrument controlled by a microprocessor. Base line correction, repetitive scan, kinetics, derivative and concentration modes are possible. Diffuse reflectance is available for solid samples. VT accessory in the range 5-90 degrees Centigrade is available.






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